2024 Competition Registration Information


Registration for the
75th Annual National Moot Court Competition
is now open!

Brief Registration Overview

  • Registration is $600 for one team; $500 for second team.
  • Each team may have no more than 3 and no fewer than 2 members.
  • Regional sponsors may register one team for free as a special thank you. Please contact Stephanie Glazer sglazer@nycbar.org for promo code.


Click here to submit your registration form online.

Click here to access a printable PDF form to submit by mail  along with your payment by check.

Schools in Regions 2-5, 6, 8-10 and 12-15 may register two teams.  Schools in all other regions may register one team.


For a breakdown of schools within each region, please click here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Stephanie Glazer at (212) 382-6664, sglazer@nycbar.org