(Webinar) Current Legal Ethical Issues with Professor Stephen Gillers

Tuesday, December 5, 2023 | 12:00 pm – 1:45 pm

Program Instructor:

Stephen Gillers
Elihu Root Professor of Law 
New York University School of Law

  • No matter your practice area or whether or not you have previously attended, you won’t want to miss this program. Join us to hear this nationally renowned professor and ethicist address current issues of legal ethics. Programs typically feature distinct topics which are chosen close in time to the event to maximize topicality. The topics are geared to an audience of diverse interests. Audience questions and comments are encouraged.

    Program Fee:
    $149 for Members | $249 for Nonmembers
    Small Law Firm: $79 for Members

    Members who are Law Students, Recent Law Graduates, Newly Admitted Lawyers (admitted for the first time in any state or country 2021-2023), In-House/Corporate Counsel, Judges, and attorney members who practice within the Government, Academic or Not-for-Profit sectors attend this program for free.

  • Stephen Gillers has been a professor of law at New York University School of Law since 1978 and Vice Dean from 1999-2004. He holds the Elihu Root chair. He does most of his research and writing on the regulation of the legal profession. His courses include Regulation of Lawyers, Evidence, and Law and Literature (with University Professor Catharine Stimpson, former dean of the graduate school).

    Professor Gillers has written widely on legal and judicial ethics in law reviews and in the legal and popular press. He has taught legal ethics as a visitor at other U.S. and foreign law schools and has spoken on lawyer regulatory issues at hundreds of events in the U.S. and in Europe, Asia, and South America – often for legal ethics CLE credit – including at federal and state judicial conferences, law firms, corporate general counsel’s offices, government law offices, ABA meetings, state and city bar meetings nationwide, in oral and written submissions to Congress, and in law school lectureships. For many years, four or five times each year, he has lectured on legal ethics at the New York City Bar Association CLEs.

    Professor Gillers is the author of Regulation of Lawyers: Problems of Law and Ethics, a widely used law school casebook first published by Little, Brown (now Aspen) in 1985 with an 11th edition in 2018. With Roy Simon (and Andrew Perlman as of 2008), he has edited Regulation of Lawyers: Statutes and Standards, published annually by Little, Brown, then Aspen, since 1989. He is also the author of Regulation of the Legal Profession (Aspen 2009)(the “Essentials” series).

    From 2000-2002, Professor Gillers was a member of the ABA’s Multijurisdictional Practice Commission which proposed rule changes (all of them accepted) to recognize the cross-border nature of legal practice. In 2009, Professor Gillers was selected to be a member of the ABA 20/20 Commission, 2010-2013, which studied the effects of technology and globalization on the regulation of lawyers leading to amendments to the Model Rules and recommended rule changes all of which were accepted. He was chair of the Policy Implementation Committee of the ABA’s Center for Professional Responsibility (2004-2008) and was a member from 2002-2010.

    In 2011, he received the Michael Franck Award from the ABA’s Center for Professional Responsibility. The Award is given annually for “significant contributions to the work of the organized bar….noteworthy scholarly contributions made in academic settings, [and] creative judicial or legislative initiatives undertaken to advance the professionalism of lawyers…are also given consideration.” The American Bar Foundation gave him the Outstanding Scholar Award in 2015.

    Professor Gillers’ latest scholarship includes the book Journalism Under Fire: Protecting the Future of Investigative Reporting (Columbia University Press 2018); A Rule to Forbid Bias and Harassment in Law Practice: A Guide for State Courts Considering Model Rule 8.4(g), 30 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 195 (2017); Guns, Fruits, Drugs, and Documents: A Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Responsibility for Real Evidence, 63 Stan. L. Rev. 813 (2011); A Profession, If You Can Keep It: How Information Technology and Fading Borders Are Reshaping the Law Marketplace and What We Should Do About It, 63 Hastings L. J. 953 (2012); How To Make Rules for Lawyers: The Professional Responsibility of the Legal Profession, 40 Pepperdine L. Rev. 365 (2013)(Symposium issue on The Lawyer of the Future); and Lowering the Bar: How Lawyer Discipline in New York Fails to Protect the Public, 17 J. Legis. & Public Policy 485 (2014).

  • Topics to be discussed include:

    12:00-12:05  Introduction

    12:05-12:20 303 Creative & Rule 8.4(g)

    12:20-12:35 What Rules Govern Nonverbal Messaging?

    • Courtroom Semiotics

    12:35-12:50 Trump v. The Courts: Turning Lawsuits and Indictments to Advantage

    12:50-1:10 The Rule of Law and the Role of Lawyers If Trump is Re-elected

    • Checks & Balances are not Self-Enforcing

    1:10-1:25 What Does Competence Require?

    1:25-1:35 The New SCOTUS Code of Ethics Misreads the “Rule of Necessity” and Tolerates 5-4 Decisions That Depend on the Vote of a Justice Who is Legally Recused. But the glass is at least 1/3 full.

    1:35-1:44 “You Said That? You’re Fired?”

    1:44-1:45 Conclusion

    Q&A Throughout

  • CLE Credit
    New York: 2.0 Ethics
    New Jersey:
    2.0 Professional Responsibility
    2.0 Professional Responsibility
    1.5 Professional Responsibility
    Available to Licensed Attorneys

  • Sponsorship Opportunities are Available! Please Contact:
    Yelena Balashchenko, Manager, Business Development & Sponsorships | (212) 382-6608 | ybalashchenko@nycbar.org