Committee Reports

Legislation requiring electronic filing of all financial disclosure statements


The City Bar, along with several good government groups, also supports legislation that will require electronic filing of all financial disclosure statements. Similar to support for the companion bill concerning lobbyists, the memorandum in support explains, “…this legislation . . . will modernize state financial disclosure. Every year, approximately 4,300 financial disclosure statements are filed on paper. This archaic system places a burden on both the state workers processing the requests, and on members of the public seeking information in the forms. Requiring that financial disclosure statements be filed electronically will expedite the process and greatly increase transparency.”  The legislation, also proposed by COELIG, does allow for paper filing in limited circumstances.


S.9011 (Sen. Skoufis) – Requires electronic filing of all financial disclosure statements with the commission on ethics and lobbying in government (NYS 2023-24).



S9011 (Skoufis)

Requires electronic filing of all financial disclosure statements to Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government

May 10, 2024

An act to amend the public officers law, in relation to requiring electronic filing of all financial disclosure statements.

Section 1 adds a new paragraph (l) to Public Officers Law §73-a(2) providing that:

1. Beginning on January 1, 2025, all financial disclosure filings shall be submitted on the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government’s (COELIG) electronic filing system.
2. Anyone required to file financial disclosure statements (FDS) may request from COELIG or the individual’s appointing authority access to a computer to file, and must be provided one within two days.
3. Filers will not be deemed delinquent if not provided a computer within two days.
4. Individuals may submit their FDS on a paper form if they can provide a note from a physician or other licensed health provider stating that a health issue prevents them from filing electronically.

Section 2 states that the act takes effect immediately.

Our groups support this legislation because it will modernize state financial disclosure. Every year, approximately 4,300 financial disclosure statements are filed on paper. This archaic system places a burden on both the state workers processing the requests, and on members of the public seeking information in the forms. Requiring that financial disclosure statements be filed electronically will expedite the process and greatly increase transparency.

Because the legislation allows for paper filing in limited circumstances, we encourage COELIG, which proposed this change to the law, to report the number of paper filers in its annual reports to provide information about whether and how this exception should
be maintained in the future.

We urge the Legislature to pass the bill, and the Governor to sign it.