
5th International Law Conference on the Status of Women


The Conference explored the current status of women and highlighted the role of judges, lawyers, human rights experts and policy advocates to improve the status of women and girls by enforcing their legal rights and improving their economic opportunities to support themselves and their families. United Nations’ initiatives to: improve the status of women; address global human and reproductive rights concerns and abuses, particularly bodily autonomy limitations, physical torture, sexual violence, kidnapping and incarceration of women and girls; discuss innovative approaches to improving the lives of women through the rule of law and government policy; celebrate efforts to elevate women judges and lawyers in fostering greater diversity within the judiciary; as well as addressing the disparate, adverse impact of technology and climate change on women and girls will also be discussed.

The Conference celebrates the role of legal societies, such as bar associations and other legal professional organizations and international NGOs in aiding women.

Opening Remarks:
Susan Kohlmann
, President, New York City Bar Association

Keynote Speakers:
Hon. Esther Salas, United States District Court for the District of New Jersey
Maria Cruz Melendez, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Sponsoring Committee:
United Nations, Ervin Nina, Sophia Murashkovsky, & Catherine van Kampen, Co-Chairs

Co-Sponsoring Committees:
African Affairs, Melissa Marie Verpile, Chair
Council on International Affairs, Mark A. Meyer, Chair
Inter-American Affairs, Jessenia Vazcones-Yagual, Chair
International Law, Victoria Pochtar, Chair
Middle Eastern and North African Affairs, Hon. Elizabeth S. Stong & Robert Eli Michael, Co-Chairs
Securities Litigation, Audra J. Soloway & Lauren Amy Ormsbee, Co-Chairs
Task Force on the Independence of Lawyers and Judges, Christopher Pioch, Chair
Task Force on Puerto Rico, Wanda Sanchez Day & Carlos Morales, Co-Chairs
Task Force on the Rule of Law, Marcy Kahn, Chair

Co-Sponsoring Organizations:
Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, Alexander Papachristou, Executive Director
New York City Bar Justice Center, Kurt M. Denk, Executive Director

Thank you to our sponsors:
Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP
The Huntington National Bank
Epiq Class Actions Services